
Imagine a place where presence, peace, and beauty merge. Where tiny details in nature become little worlds in which we can fully immerse our senses. A space where we can be fully present and open our heart, mind, and soul to personal healing.

Elysian Sanctuary Farm is a permaculture entity utilizing biodynamic farming practices for the intention of creating a garden sanctuary, providing organically grown vegetables and fruits to the community, cultivating beauty through native plants and flowers, and sharing the traditional and native uses of medicinal herbs. 

The intention of Elysian Sanctuary Farm is to lend support to people through their health journeys. By creating beautiful garden areas with native, ornamental, and medicinal plants, the sanctuary is designed to inspire calm, comfort, and encouragement to individuals, groups, and the community. Alongside of this, a market and herb garden associated with the sanctuary will also provide healthy edibles and educational opportunities. Part of these educational opportunities is to teach and emphasizes a wholistic farm-to-table and farm-to-product philosophy. 

 The vision of Elysian Sanctuary Farm is to cultivate a garden sanctuary with the premise of embracing mind, body, emotional, and spiritual wellness through nature and connection. The tangible mission is to convert prior farm land into a thriving garden sanctuary and integrate educational and retreat opportunities for the community. Integrating herbalism is a major component of the mission as the herbs grown on the farm are harvested and used in the herbal products handmade at the farm; we will provide educational resources and workshops to discuss and teach this process.

The uniqueness of our farm entity lies in the premise of holistic (mind, body, and spirit) wellness. We are not just a farm cultivating food, and we are not just a farm with sustainable practices, we are also creating a place of sanctuary and providing a safe haven for individuals to experience nature, to be inspired by beauty, and to support personal healing.

There’s a force in nature that speaks to us, not with words we hear with our ears, but with a silent language that speaks to our souls. The messages are clear when we create space to listen; the plants have much to teach us and they are here to help us heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The connection we feel with nature is not by chance nor is it some eccentric euphoria, it’s deeply rooted to the cosmic energy that essentially formed both humanity’s and nature’s existence.

“Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye…it also includes the inner pictures of the soul.”

— Edvard Munch

In this world where we are influenced by trauma, grief, pain, illness, anxiety, and stress, it’s easy to feel restricted and limited in what we are able to physically do, mentally process, and emotionally handle. Navigating through personal healing is not simple, can take a reasonable amount of time and energy, and is deeply varied among individuals. Each person’s healing journey is a unique process, as unique as they are. When we begin to honor the healing path and honor other’s healing journeys (which may look quite different than our own), we can begin to understand that inner wounds and suffering are not negatives - they are a natural part of our existence and essentially shape us into the next version of ourselves. It’s not about reaching a particular point in our lives when all suffering ends, the healing journey is about discovering what breathes life into our beings, exploring our inner landscape and recognizing the subtle parts of us that need attention and soothing, and finding moments that bring healing to our mind, body, and spirit.


A Sanctuary for Well Being

Sanctuary is about being here and aware in the present, detaching from the internal and external noise of our world. It is the pause that is found in being present, where we can experience a haven of exuberant grace and divine connection, regardless of current circumstances. The result can manifest a soulful ecstasy and brings us to a space where stillness and peace infuse our being.

May our garden be this refuge of beauty and serenity.

Our sanctuary farm will provide an array of services for the community. These include providing educational opportunities for the community and youth, growing for local food pantries and underserved communities, providing garden areas for meditation and nature therapy, and designating space for mind/body/spirit retreats focused on personal healing.

In this age of personal health challenges, more individuals feel disempowered due to their lack of vitality. Alternative and holistic wellness therapies are rediscovered wellness practices and quickly becoming an emerging focus of community and individual healing. Science has shown compelling evidence of nature being an important part of emotional wellbeing as well as promoting physical and psychological healing. Our sanctuary farm will provide a place for individuals and the community to experience healing through nutrition, nature, and holistic education.

Mind, Body, Spirit Wellness

coming soon…

  • Herbalism Immersion Workshops

    Educational opportunities with a focus on gardening and medicinal herb cultivation, harvesting, and developing personal herbal products

  • Meditation & Mindfulness

    Day retreats with a focus on holistic therapies and spiritual wellbeing such as mediation, journaling, yoga, energy work, and breathwork

  • Intuitive Botanical Art

    Intuitive art classes and workshops with a focus on botanicals & nature, connection with plants, and artistic expression